Физико-технологический кружок ТОЧКА ОПОРЫ был создан в 2022 году с целью популяризации научного и инженерно-технического мировоззрения у школьников посредством комплексного изучения естественнонаучных дисциплин: физики в связке с математикой, необходимых для трудоустройства в будущем на высокотехнологичных предприятиях
Video scribing
Scribing at the conference
Scribing school
Urgent scribing!
Video Scribing
There are many ways to explain video scribing. For instance, it's like whiteboard animation or maybe whiteboard illustration. But at the end of the day, it's an experience. It's video-based storytelling.
We do video scribing for: company presentations products and services educational programs conferences & events
We also: write scenarios and storyboards for video scribing, video storytelling, illustrate video in scribing-style, make multimedia projects: scribing, flash, animation, shootings
Scribing at the conference
Scribing is a useful tool for the accompaniment of conferences, seminars, strategic sessions. Visual thinking helps catch the main point, memorize the information and understand complicated themes.
We scribe: speakers reports, program events, promotional materials for the event, for the site of the event at workshops, seminars, at closed strategy sessions.
Urgent Scribing!
We will come to you immediately on the day of the event to impress your customers and partners with our scribing capabilities!
Call us and we will decorate your board by scribing on the event day!
Urgent Scribing is an urgent call on the day of the event with 1-2 illustrators attending the event.
Scribing School
We will teach you the basics of scribing and visual thinking! Scribing is a tool that is needed for any modern specialist to be competitive and efficient.
Upcoming event: on January 25, 10 AM — 6 PM
Place: No.505 Wulumuqi North Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai
We will teach you: the basics of scribing, visual vocabulary, the basics of visual language, the technique of 'storytelling' and 'visual thinking'